Our quarterly silver plan is perfect for the home with basic pest control needs– this plan can rid your property of pests like pavement ants, spiders, pill bugs, silverfish, cockroaches, crickets to name a few and it also includes rodent service to exterminate mice and rats. 10% discount on exclusion services.
Go Silver -
This plan includes all the benefits of the silver plan with added protection against social wasps (yellow jackets, European hornets, bold-faced hornets, and paper wasps), pantry beetles, carpenter bees, carpenter ants, and a few more. 15% discount on exclusion services.Go Gold
Our most comprehensive plan, this routine service adds coverage for cloth moths, fleas as well as the seasonal invaders/ overwintering pests like stink bugs and lawn treatments for ticks, mosquitoes, and cicada killer wasps. 20% discount on exclusion services.Go Platinum
Residential Service Plans in Westchester County
We understand that busy homeowners do not want any pest control issues like those unpleasant surprises when you find mice or ants in your kitchen or basement.
If you want to keep your home and yard pest free, we are here to help. When pests invade or when you want to prevent that from happening in the future, you are covered. We’ll provide you with a peace of mind.
Please check out our residential pest management plans.

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